
Showing posts from 2017

Penemu-penemu Media Sosial yang Sering Kamu Gunakan

Hello para reader Nutcracker, udah lama juga ya aku gak ngepost. RINDU!! Okey now I want to share to you a good information. So, please read this post carefully :) Sebelumnya aku mau kasih tau dulu nih arti Jejaring Sosial, jadi ini kayak brainstorming gitu ya kalau mau memulai pelajaran supaya kalian tahu ke mana arahnya content post ini. "Jejaring sosial adalah suatu struktur sosial yang dibentuk dari simpul-simpul (yang umumnya adalah individu atau organisasi) yang dijalin dengan satu atau lebih tipe relasi spesifik seperti nilai, visi, ide, teman, keturunan, dll." Di zaman teknologi ini banyak sekali ya tentu nya di antara kita itu pemakai situs jejaring sosial yang aktif baik itu twitter, facebook, pinterest etc, but mirisnya buanyakk juga yang belum tau siapa sih dalang di balik munculnya situs jejaring sosial tersebut (alias penciptanya). Nah, karena hal itu membuat aku jadi kepikiran dan penasaran :D jadi pada post kali ini aku mau kasih tau kalian sia...

DUA SISI by Giovani Vincentius Simanjuntak (PUISI)

Anganku bukan anganmu Langkah ku bukan langkahmu Caraku bukan caramu Rasaku bukan rasamu Bukankah kita berbeda? Ataukah kita sama? Bukankah aku itu kau? Atau kau dan aku bukan sesuatu? Jiwa yang selalu bertekak dengan raga Logika yang selalu berkhianat dengan rasa Bukankah selalu begitu? Bukan dan mungkin bukan lagi.


Tadaaa! This is one of my favorite food, bagi yang belum tau actually ini makanan khas aceh yaa.. So let's take a look and COOK! BAHAN : 300 gram Tepung terigu 1 butir Telur ayam 50 ml Minyak goreng 150 ml Air hangat 1 sdm Susu bubuk 1 sdt Gula halus (opsional) 1/2 sdt Garam secukupnya Margarin secukupnya Minyak goreng (untuk merendam adonan) TAHAP PEMBUATAN : Masukkan telur ayam, air hangat, dan minyak goreng dalam satu wadah. Kocok dengan garpu, aduk hingga rata Tambahkan tepung terigu, garam, gula halus, dan susu bubuk. Uleni dan banting2 adonan hingga kalis dan tidak lengket Bulatkan adonan sesuai dengan ukuran yang diinginkan. Kalau saya kurang lebih 1.5 kali ukuran bola ping pong. Lalu rendam adonan dalam minyak goreng. Tutup wadah dengan kain bersih lalu diamkan selama 1-2 jam Setelah adonan direndam, pipihkan hingga benar2 tipis (tapi jangan sampai robek ya), lalu oleskan mentega hingga merata Gulung adonan seperti pada gambar, lalu tarik2 agar adon...


This is actually the recipe from my mom's book The title is MENU SEHAT. So let's take a look and COOK!! BAHAN : 1 1/2 mangkuk gula pasir 2 mangkuk tepung terigu 1 sendok the garam 2 sendok the kayu manis ½ sendok the soda kue ½ sendok the vanili 1 1/2 mangkuk minyak sintanola atau mentega dilelehkan atau minyak goring 8 putih telur atau 4 telur 1 mangkuk kenari/kacang mede yang telah disangrai lalu digiling kasar 3 mangkuk parutan wortel mentah TAHAP PEMBUATAN : Satukan enam bahan pertama, kocok dengan baik sampai tercampur betul.  Kemudian masukkan telur satu persatu sambil kocok terus. Tambahkan campuran yang terdiri dari gula pasir, terigu garam, kayu manis, soda kue dan vanili. Tambahkan wortel parut dan kacang. Alas panci atau Loyang kue dengan kertas roti. Gosok mentega dan taburkan tepung dengan rata. Panggang di oven yang apinya sedang untuk 40-50 menit. Ini dapat pula di lapisi dengan pelapis Cream Cheese atau dengan Isin...


In the middle 1960s, under the influence of Chomsky’s vision of linguistics, the first child language researchers assumed that language begins when words (or morphemes) are combined. Within a few months of producing one word utterances children will begin to produce two-word utterances. When child can produce two-word utterances, in General Stages of Linguistic Development that is include in Telegraphic Stage. Typically children start to combine words when they are between 18 - 24 months of age, consisting of utterances generally two nouns or a noun and a verb. Some examples of this are: ·          Baby chair, meaning 'The baby is sitting on the chair' (each has it’s own intonation) ·          Doggie bark, meaning 'The dog is barking' (each has it’s own intonation) The children are systematically simpler than adult speech. For example, the child function words are generally not used like ...

What exactly "all over the shop" means?

You have to read this!! Honestly I got this from BBC Learning English, very interesting to know meaning of the English we speak like all over the shop . After read this, you will not confuse again with that words.   Feifei has gone missing and Neil goes looking for her. Why does he use a phrase about shops? Learn an everyday English slang expression. Transcript Neil OK. Not again. Why oh why is Feifei late for the studio this time? Seriously… That does it. I'm gonna give her a call… Great. Let me go out and take a look. Feifei?! Feifei, where are you? Where has she gone? Oh, is that…? There she is! Feifei Oh, oh, hi, Neil.  Neil Where have you been? I've been looking all over the shop for you!  Feifei All over the shop ? Well, I wasn't in a shop. I was in… the toilet!  Neil Thanks for the information.  Feifei And yes, before you tell me – I do know what all over the shop means. It means 'everywh...

Conversation in Restaurant (LINGUAPHONE)

Hello everybody, how are you guys? Hopefully everything's alright. Now I want to share to all of you the conversation from my book the title is LINGUAPHONE. This is the cover of the book (Haha niat amat yekan, sampe ikut orangnya, gpp lah ya) Well actually there are 30 Lessons in this book, but I just share to you the conversation in lesson 5 The title is "Food" There are Mr. Hunt and his family, they'd like to dinner.. Your Table Mr. Hunt       : Good Evening. I'm Mr.Hunt. I've got a reservation for dinner  Manager        : How many people?  Mr. Hunt       : Five  Manager       : Come with me, please. Here ‘s your table. Is this all right?  Mr. Hunt       :Yes this is lovely. My wife’s got a coat. Would you take it please.  Manager        :Yes sir. Drinks Waiter          : Good evening. Wou...


Infinitive (Verb 1) Verb 2 Verb 3 Arti A abide abided / abode abided tunduk alight alighted / alit alighted / alit turun Arise arose arisen timbul awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken bangun B backbite backbit backbitten fitnah backslide backslid backslidden / backslid kembali mengerjakan kebiasaan lama yg tercela be [ am, is, are] was, were been Bear bore born / borne melahirkan Beat beat beaten / beat mengalahkan become became become menjadi befall befell befallen menimpa beget begat / begot begotten memperanakkan begin began begun mulai behold beheld beheld melihat bend bent bent tikungan be...