SHERLOCK HOLMES /ˈʃɜːrlɒk ˈhoʊmz/

This is my favorite post (dari semua tulisan ku yang udah pernah ku post di blog, this one yang paling aku suka)

Sorry if the content of my posts is most about recommendation of novel or book. It’s just because I’m the person who love to read very much and there are a lot of books that I ever read before (tapi yang di baca memang novel, komik dan sejenisnya makanya deh otak ini gak berkembang hehe. Tapi ajaibnya mata masih bagus aja belum pake kacamata, syukurlah!)

Well, this post still has a relationship with novel because the person that I want tell to you is not real at all. It’s all about Sherlock Holmes my favorite one ever.

I’m very excited when I was writing this post, I don’t know why! Maybe it’s all because I LOVE SHERLOCK HOLMES VERY MUCH MUCH AND MUCH! I’m sure that all of you have watched the movie of Sherlock Holmes before (dan memang banyak sekali versi filmnya baik yang di peran kan oleh Robert Downy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ian McKellen, Basil Rathbone, Jerremy Brett and ect) big applause for the actor who has a role as Holmes, they are amazing.

But you know what, I don’t really like to watch Sherlock Holmes movie I prefer like to read the novel, why? (karena dalam filmnya itu banyakan yang di tambah2in maupun di kurang2in jadi seperti sense nya hilang gitu eshh. Tapi aku serius kok memang kenyataannya begitu)

Maybe because I have read the novel first (jadi mau film Holmes yang mana pun yg belum aku tonton pasti udah tau ceritanya dan udah bisa nebak-nebak endingnya) And as my post in my first post, the first novel until the last novel of Sherlock holmes I have read all of them.

This is all novels about him:

1.      Penelusuran Benang Merah (1887)
2.      Tanda Empat (18890)
3.      Petualangan Sherlock Holmes (1892)
4.      Memoar Sherlock Holmes (1893)
5.      Anjing Baskerville (1902)
6.      Kembalinya Sherlock Holmes (1905)
7.      Lembah Ketakutan (1914)
8.      Salam Terakhir Sherlock Holmes (1917)
9.      Buku Kasus Sherlock Holmes (1925)

I already have all of the pdf above but if you want to read that novels and do not want to download first, this is the link (Susah loh dapatkan link ini tapi apa sih yang gak buat kalian hehe.. Itu udah lengkap plus pakai b.indonesia) Dan jangan tertipu dengan jumlahnya yang hanya sembilan because there are some novels above divided into some cases or story.

Well this is the person who create Holmes his name is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 

He is British author. (jadi seperti yang sudah ku bilang tadi holmes ini tidak nyata, dia adalah tokoh detektif fiksi rekaan Conan Doyle) He said that Holmes was inspired by the real-life figure they are Joseph Bell (jadi Joseph adalah atasannya Conan Doyle saat bekerja di Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Skotlandia alasanya kenapa dia menjadi inspirasi karena dia dapat menarik banyak kesimpulan hanya dengan sedikit observasi seperti layaknya Holmes) and the other is Sir Henry Littlejohn (Sir henry ini adalah dosen Kedokteran Forensik dan Kesehatan Masyarakat di Royal College of Surgeons dan bekerja sebagai dokter bedah kepolisian serta petugas medis di Edinburgh) dan beberapa orang lainnya.

Come back again to Sherlock Holmes, he was born on January 6th 1854 (begitulah perkiraan yang di ambil dalam kisah Salam Terakhir/His Last Bow which describes him as sixty years of age

His parents are not mentioned in the stories only his brother Mycroft Holmes he is a government official (abang nya ini adalah pejabat pemerintah, tujuh tahun lebih tua darinya. Mycroft dideskripsikan jauh lebih berbakat daripada Holmes dalam hal observasi dan deduksi, tetapi tidak memiliki kemauan dan stamina sekuat Holmes. Dia lebih suka menghabiskan waktunya bersantai-santai di Klub Diogenes.) actually dia hanya muncul di beberapa kasus aja.

Holmes says that he first developed his methods of deduction as an undergraduate; (ia pertama kali mengembangkan metode deduksinya untuk memecahkan kasus saat masih mahasiswa dan kasusnya itu pun datang dari temannya sesama mahasiswa.) A meeting with a classmate's father led him to adopt detective as a profession, and he spent six years after university as a consultant before financial difficulties led him to accept John H. Watson as a fellow lodger at 221B Baker Street, London (dia memutuskan jadi detective karena bertemu dengan ayah temannya setelah dia tamat sampai akhirnya Holmes kesulitan keuangan sehingga harus patungan sewa kamar dengan Watson di Baker Street 221B Induk semang mereka adalah Mrs. Hudson.. Saat itulah kisah petualangan Holmes dimulai.)

John H. Watson also has an important role in the novel because he is best friend of Sherlock Holmes (Dan kebanyakan novel ini di tulis dari segi pandang Watson, dia juga sangat membantu Holmes dalam memecahkan kasus) 

And then there are Professor James Moriarty (Profesor Moriarty ini bisa di katakana adalah musuh bebuyutan Holmes dan sangat jenius juga orangnya)

The last is Irene Adler is American opera singer and actress who appears in "A Scandal in Bohemia". Although this is her only appearance, she is one of the most notable female characters in the stories (Jadi walaupun Holmes orang yang gak pernah memikirkan soal asmara, karena menurutnya itu hanya buang-buang waktu but ttp ada seorang wanita yang menarik perhatiannya yaitu Irene Adler)

Shortly after meeting Holmes, Watson assesses the detective's abilities:

1.       Knowledge of Literature – nil.
2.       Knowledge of Philosophy – nil.
3.       Knowledge of Astronomy – nil.
4.       Knowledge of Politics – Feeble.
5.    Knowledge of Botany – Variable. Well up in belladonna, opium and poisons generally. Knows nothing of practical gardening.
6.       Knowledge of Geology – Practical, but limited. Tells at a glance different soils from each other. After walks, has shown me splashes upon his trousers, and told me by their colour and consistence in what part of London he had received them.
7.       Knowledge of Chemistry – Profound.
8.       Knowledge of Anatomy – Accurate, but unsystematic.
9.    Knowledge of Sensational Literature – Immense. He appears to know every detail of every horror perpetrated in the century.
10.   Plays the violin well.
11.   Is an expert singlestick player, boxer and swordsman.
12.   Has a good practical knowledge of British law.

Okay enough for Sherlock Holmes (Jika tertarik pada Holmes kalian bisa baca online, di link yang aku kasih tadi) See ya…


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